Dark red Golden Retriever puppies available

We have males and females available for January 11th and January 22nd

each puppy will have 1st shots, microchip, and Veterinarian health clearance.

deposit is $300 puppies can be purchased with or without papers

puppies with limited AKC registration papers are $1500

puppies can be purchased without papers $1375

if interested please call or text 8105771563

Dark Red Golden Retriever puppies are expected December 1st.

we are excited to welcome a litter from Sophia and Junior and a litter from Blanch and Junior. Puppie prices are as follows

$1375 without papers

$1500 limited AKC registration

Deposit to hold your puppy will be $500. Please contact us if you are interested. Puppies will have 1st shots, microchip, dewclaws removed, Veterinarian health check and come with blanket that smells like Mom and siblings. Please call or text if interested 810 577 1563

Dark Red Golden Retriever puppies for sale

We have red Golden Retriever puppies for sale in Silverwood Michigan. They are 9 weeks old and ready to go home today. We have males and females available. Puppies have had 1st shots, microchip and a veterinarian health clearance.

$1375 with AKC limited registration

$1000 if you don’t want AKC registration

please call 8105771563