we have both male and female available ready to go August 11th puppies are $1075 with a $200 deposit. Each puppy will have 1st shots dewclaws removed and a Veterinarian check up please call or text 8105771563.

Our babies

puppies available

we have two male puppies and two female puppies that are $1875 each they are crate trained potty trained all shots dewclaws removed rabies shots flea & tick prevention

if you have any questions please call 1-800-577-1563

puppies available

Golden retriever puppies available. puppies are five months old born on 11/30/22 and December 18th. potty training and crate training 1st,2nd,and 3rd set of shots including rabies microchipped dewclaws removed veterinarians health clearance.

each puppy is $2,000 and no deposit is required to come look and meet puppies. we live in Silverwood Michigan 48760.

we have male and female puppies

puppies available

wee have male and female puppies first and second shots, microchipped, dewclaws’ removed, veterinarian check ups, and comes with a very nice puppy pack

they are $1,500

if you have any questions please call or text 1-810-577-1563

Dark red golden retriever puppies

we have male and female puppies ready to go home for $1375

we have dark or light puppies with their dewclaws removed veterinary checkups vaccinations up to date and working on potty training

AKC Dark Golden Retriever puppies

we are proud to announce that we have five females and two males ready to go home for $1,375, they were born on 11/25/22

each puppy will have first shots dew claws removed a veterinarian check ups and a one year health

please contact us at 1-810-577-1563

AKC Dark Golden retriever puppies available soon

We have 3 females that will be ready to go home January 14th. Each puppy will have, his/her 1st shots, dewormed, microchipped and vet check up. Our puppies are family raised and have been very socialized. Both mom and dad are on site. Each puppy is $1375 , the deposit is $300 and comes off of the total cost. Please feel free to contact me via text or phone calls are welcome too. 8105771563. We offer personal delivery of puppy anywhere in the United States for a fee of $200 and cost of plane tickets.