we have males and females available 4 months old $750
Male and female 9 weeks old $1000 without papers
$1500 limited AKC registration
call or text 8105771563
Happy Golden Years Golden Retrievers
Golden Retriever Puppies for Sale in Silverwood, Michigan
we have males and females available 4 months old $750
Male and female 9 weeks old $1000 without papers
$1500 limited AKC registration
call or text 8105771563
we have 3 month old puppies for $750 both male and female.
we have females that are 8 weeks old that are $1000 without papers
$1500 with limited AKC registration
we have both male and female puppies ready to go. We live in Silverwood Michigan. Puppies have 1st shots, microchip and Veterinarian health clearance. Please call or text for more info. 8105771563.
without papers $1000
limited registration $1500
we have male and female puppies ready to go. They have 1st shots, microchip and Veterinarian health clearance. Prices are as follows
$875;without papers
$1375 limited registration
$1675 full registration
we are having a puppy open house February 10th from 8 am to 7pm. Both male and female puppies available. You may come check us out! Call or text for address no deposit required. 8105771563.
we have males and females available now. Call or text 8105771563. Puppies are $975 without papers
$1375 with papers
$1675 full registration
we have males and females that will be ready and available end of January. Each puppy will have 1st shots, microchip, Veterinarian health check and a toy that smells like mom and siblings please call or text for more information and pictures.
$875 without papers
$1375 with papers
$1675 for full registration.
We are taking deposits for both male and female puppies that will be ready end of January. Please call or text 8105771563 if interested.
$875 without papers
$1375 with papers
$1675 with full AKC registration
We have 4 females and 2 males that will be ready January 23rd . If interested please text 8105771563
We have males and females available puppies were born on December 4th and will be ready after the holidays on January 23rd. Each puppy will have 1st shots, microchip and Veterinarian health clearance. Please call or text if interested 8105771563 Puppies are $875 without papers
$1375 with papers
$1675 with full registration